Yesterday we went to have lunch at Lido’s on Bethel Road in Dublin. We never remember when their buffet is, but saw they offered it from noon to 3pm. The dining room was pretty crowded, so we decided to order the buffet. I usually hesitate on buffets, since the food can get cold, there may not be much selection, and you may have to wait until they bring out the food you want. We did have to wait a few minutes for additional pizzas to come out, but they tasted great. I love the sauce. They were very hot, but I was hungry and I burnt my mouth! I also must have overate by one piece, because I had indigestion for several hours afterward. Hopefully it wasn’t something bad I ate.
Lido’s Pizza & Restaurant
2540 Bethel Rd
Columbus, OH 43220
(614) 459-5858
Take-out, delivery, dine-in
No website(?!) — Google it for reviews
Not having a website makes it hard for people to find information about your business. The website can provide a one-stop location for business information, promotions, and links to review sites. It also makes the business itself seem much more professional (if done correctly). If you are an individual or business who needs a website, I provide affordable web development. See my other website at Trusty Paws Web Development for more information!
Hello again! Sorry it’s been quite some time since the last post. The Thanksgiving holiday is now over and shopping season has officially begun! As always we get several ‘junk mail’ packets each week, with tons of ads from grocery stores and local businesses. One caught my eye recently, Formaggio’s has a new location on Sawmill Road in Dublin, Ohio (website: I knew of a vacant location that used to be an Iacono’s on Sawmill road, and wondered if Formaggio’s now occupies it. But based on the map of the address (across from Home Depot), it may be the former location of a Pizzano’s. Not sure if they bought out Pizzano’s or just claimed the location after they went out of business. Formaggio’s other location is right on the OSU campus.
Menu Items
Based on the flyer and on the website, Formaggio’s is known for original Steubenville style pizza (a quick search reveals this means cold cheese sprinkled on top of baked dough and sauce, from Steubenville, Ohio). They also use unbaked pepperoni, so they use high quality ingredients to ensure a great taste. They feature several specialty pizzas including chicken bacon ranch, grilled chicken and BBQ, and white sauce options, that come in 12″ and 16″ square style. They also have a few unique menu items: Lil O’s (dough balls), Buckeye Dessert Pizza with peanut butter and chocolate syrup, Nick Sticks (dough with cinnamon, sugar, and icing), and a good selection of fruit smoothies. They also offer three sizes of Strombolis and small/large salads.
I’m not sure how I feel about cold cheese and pepperoni on a pizza. I guess we need to try it sometime. The smoothies sound like a fun and delicious menu item that goes along with pizza. What do you think? Have you tried Formaggio’s before?
I got out our bread maker the other day and was wondering how making bread differs from making pizza dough. It turns out that the recipe it called for was very similar to the one I’ve been using for pizza dough: 3/4 cup water, 4 tsp sugar, and 2 1/4 cups flour; 1 tsp salt vs. 1/2 tsp salt; 4 tsp oil vs. 1 tsp olive oil; 1.5 teaspoons active dry yeast vs. 1 tsp. Instead of kneading and rising one time, the process for the bread machine is:
1st Knead: 10 min; 1st Rise 20 min; 2nd knead 15 min; 2nd Rise 20 min; rest 30 sec; Final rise 55 min; bake time 60 min. I’m not sure what temperature it bakes at, but I can be pretty sure it’s not 475 degrees like pizza. Probably only 325 or 350.
Water Percentage and Ratio
A quick search for pizza dough vs bread dough resulted in a couple articles: Dough Ingredients – talks about the ratio of water to flour weight as a percentage. Bread has 58 to 60 percent water (moist), while pizza dough is ‘lean’ and has 40 to 60 percent water. 40 percent would result in a stiff dough. A TalkFood forum I found mentions that you can add milk, eggs, or butter to bread to tenderize it, which aren’t used for pizza dough.
Well, I tried the basic white bread recipe on the basic setting, not dough setting. But I think it mixed the dough better than my Kitchenaid mixer! The kneading blade is on the bottom, so it didn’t miss any on the bottom; and the dough pulled away from the sides better – I didn’t have to open it up and scrape down the sides! Maybe being enclosed helped, and the lack of humidity in my kitchen is affecting the pizza dough kneading process. I’ve noticed that kneading by hand removes a lot of moisture, and in the mixing bowl it seems to keep a lot of the moisture and require much more flour. Perhaps using the bread maker will be a happy medium.
Fresh Baked White Bread
Water Hardness
The first article talks about the effect of water hardness or softness. The minerals calcium and magnesium found in water help to strengthen gluten strands. Soft water doesn’t have enough minerals and results in soft, sticky dough. Hard water has too many minerals and results in too tough gluten, and also can hinder the rise of the dough. You can counteract it by adding more yeast and more yeast food (sugar). I’m not sure what my water hardness is, it may be beneficial to test it.
Ingredients Affect Yeast
My bread maker instructions explain about the effect of sugar and salt, and other ingredients on yeast too. Salt regulates yeast by making it work more slowly; without it the dough could rise too fast and unevenly.
Also on that website are a few videos on making the sauce. Just search for Pizza Sauce or see the Related Videos section on the page above. Here’s one that also includes reducing the sauce over heat. Kudos to Chef John of Foodwishes on Serious Eats for this video.
Reducing Pizza Sauce
I made a sauce from a cook book I have, and I don’t think it called for reducing it. So I wonder, do you need to reduce your pizza sauce? I would think it brings out a lot of the flavor and removes extra water so the flavors are concentrated. Which sounds good to me! I’ll have to try it.
I also wonder about the science behind recipes. For example, what does sugar and salt do to combat the acidity of the tomatoes? If you find your sauce is too ‘tomato-y’, what do you do to correct it?
As you may have realized, I would like to learn how to make great pizza at home. I will be compiling a list of external links and tips in the Learn page. Today I came across a few websites that help you make your own pizza; some are free but some just want you to buy a product. Here they are. – Wants you to buy a book and DVD that claim to divulge secrets that professional pizzarias use. – Contains a forum with discussions, recipes, and even pizza making equipment for sale, reviews on pizza books, even dough calculators (didn’t know there was so many). – Learn about everything from history of pizza, businesses, styles and ingredients, news and blogs.
Encyclopizza – 13 chapters of pizza dough and sauce recipes, preparation techniques, scientific findings, and pizza industry research for pizzerias
There is both an art and science to making pizzas, especially concerning the dough. Two people could follow the same recipe and still come up with vastly different results. I’ve recently started making my own dough at home, and I’m lucky to even see the same result twice! Things you’ll need to think about are: the type of flour, yeast/flour/water ratio, method and duration of kneading, duration of rising, retarding and proofing, method of rolling out the dough, type of pan used, temperature of oven, and baking time.
First, here is a basic recipe for a 14″ pizza dough.
3/4 c. warm water (105-115 degrees F)
4 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. regular olive oil
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. active dry yeast
2 1/4-3 c. flour
Mix the sugar, olive oil, salt, and yeast in the warm water. Let sit for a few minutes for the yeast to activate.
Add about 2 1/4 cups flour and mix with a spoon until everything starts to hold together.
Knead by hand or stand mixer for 15 minutes, adding flour or water as necessary so that it is somewhat sticky but does not stick to your hands (your hands should remain relatively clean).
Form dough into a ball and place in bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
When it is about doubled in size, punch back down and form into a ball.
Place in fridge, loosely covered, for 1-2 days. This is called retarding the dough. You can use a tupperware container, or put in a plastic bag and fold the open end underneath the dough ball. If pressed for time, you can skip this step.
It is now ready to be rolled out, covered with toppings, and baked.
Things to consider:
If you use Instant dry yeast instead of active dry, it does not need to be activated and you won’t need as much – about 3/4 tsp.
It’s less laborious to use a mixer to knead, but it’s been my experience that it’s hard to monitor the consistency of water/flour ratio, and seems that it takes more flour to prevent it from being too sticky. Occasionally you’ll need to stop the mixer to re-form dough into a ball and scrape the sides, especially if you don’t mix the water and flour before adding to the mixer. A fair amount of the flour seemed to stay on the side of the bowl. I would almost recommend mixing it by hand for a little bit until you get close to the right consistency, then use the mixer to do the heavy kneading.
You can place the dough in a gallon size ziploc bag and fold the open end underneath itself as it rises for an hour to hour and a half. Keep in a warm place (cover with a towel).
Welcome to my new website, Open Source Pizza. I hope to provide plenty of resources for anyone interested in eating or making pizza, including plenty of opportunities for the community to provide their own input. Subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss a thing! For now, I will focus on pizza resources and businesses in the Columbus, Ohio area, but I will include some tips and resources that are apply anywhere. We will explore recipes, pricing, business and online services, reviews, technology, and social networking. I hope to start posting links to some great information soon!